SEO Glossary
SEO Glossary: G
Google Advertising Professional.
Gateway Page:
Also called a "doorway page" or a "bridge page".
Advertising that is distributed based on geographic location.
Online Search Engine.
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statistics.
Google Base:
Free database of semantically structured information created by Google.
Google bombing:
Google Bombing is when a group of sites such as blogs join forces to link to an unflattering page about a company such that this page rises to the top of the search results in Google.
Google Cache:
See ‘Cache’.
Google Checkout:
Google's online payment processing service, Google Checkout, was designed to simplify the online purchase/payment process.
Google Dance:
The Google Dance refers to when Google indexes are updated.
Google Juice:
Internet slang to refer to the substance which flows between web pages via their hyperlinks.
Google Labs:
Google Labs is the home to Google's latest innovations and beta products.
Google Pack:
Free software specifically selected by Google.
Google Trends:
Latest developments from the world of Google news and popularly searched items.
Google Sitemaps:
Complete listings of all WebPages of a particular site as seen by the Google Bot.
Grey Hat SEO:
SEO using both Black Hat and White Hat techniques.
Google whack:
A Google search query consisting of two words, that returns a single result.