Privacy Policy

The information displayed, revealed or carried by is copyrighted and published by cWebsites. The information present on the website is precise, latest and correct to the best of our knowledge.


The information that is displayed on our website should not be used for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the terms, conditions and policies. The content published here must not be published, modified, sold, transmitted or reproduced by any third party. Our website contains views, facts and opinions regarding our services and products. However, we do not endorse or represent the accuracy pertaining to the results obtained from the use of our information. cWebsites shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental damage or loss of profits or royalties arising out of any services provided by us. Nothing should be considered as a substitute for personal investigation and sound technical business judgment of the reader.

We are a service provider in the IT industry that has taken great strides to ensure customer satisfaction and as such we do not share any client information to any third party. We own the sole right to discontinue any services or deny access to any user if he fails to comply with the rules implemented by us. By accessing the website, a user agrees to abide by all the copyright notices and restrictions attached to any content. Web site content, projects or events, and the mentioned prices are subjected to changes from time to time without any prior notice and the decision of the management pertaining to any kinds of dispute, if any, is binding. Therefore, it is imperative that a user periodically visits the website to update himself regarding the information posted.

The privacy policy of cWebsites reveals our commitment and dedication to our users. This policy applies to all the information acquired by, through or with the website.

Information Sharing and Collection

We realize and value your confidentiality and as such, we devote ourselves to protecting your privacy. We are the sole owner of the information collected by this website and so we in no way sell, rent or loan any of the information that is collected by us unless legally obligated to do so. We will use the information that you provide us to help better your customer satisfaction and to improve user friendliness. We might also use it to provide you with useful special events, company information or features and offers that meet your needs. We collect the email information that you might send us and store it with complete privacy and confidentiality.

Contact Form

If you have any queries regarding our policies, you are requested to kindly fill out a contact form. You will be required to provide certain information such as your email address and name through which our representative will respond in the shortest possible time frame.


All information submitted by the users of the website is transmitted in an encrypted format to ensure complete security. Similarly, we also protect your information offline. Only those that are in need and urgently require such information are granted access rights to such data. All the servers and computers used to hold such information are securely maintained.

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cWebsites Web Development Solutions has been loyal to me over the years. I cannot bring myself to trust anyone else when it comes to my SEO work. Thanks for always being there for me guys.

- Rodney Rumsey

I would like to express my gratitude to cWebsites for all that they have done for me in the last 5 years. I have never said thanks before so I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the cWeb team for all that they have done.

Mellissa Rodriguez

When I first heard of cWebsites from a friend, I had no idea what is SEO is. I wanted to know what I would be investing in. The guys at cWeb were more than accommodating to explain what SEO is and since then, it has been the best investment I have ever made.

Abdul Husain

If there ever was a reason for me to find the best SEO service provider, I would not look any further. If anyone is reading this – trust me! These are the guys you want to work with.

Jeff Barman

I have tried a lot of internet marketing companies in the past. I’ve spent more than a dime a dozen on them and they yet cannot match up to the services of cWebsites.

Roberta Lumbago

If there ever were an awards night for best SEO Company and online marketing company, I’m pretty sure and convinced that cWebsites would win every prize hands down.

Jamie Stuttgart